4 Tips to Ensure your Home Office is Ergonomic

ergonomic home office

What do you do when you get into a car to drive it for the first time? You adjust the seat so that you can reach the pedals and see the road easily. You adjust the mirrors to make sure you have a clear sight behind you and on either side. Most cars allow you … Read more

6 Tips for Diet & Nutrition for a Sedentary Lifestyle

Diet and Nutrition

Diet & Nutrition for a Corporate Lifestyle: What you choose to eat takes you a long way, literally! It can prevent many illnesses and extend your life span. By making a few simple adjustments, you can cut your chances of developing obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and even cancers. And the best part is that … Read more

7 Lifestyle Disease in Working Women  

The Lifestyle Disease in Working Women: Women play multiple roles, especially working women who have to balance their professional life and personal responsibilities at home. They end up with lifestyle disease because they neglect their own health. Travel, work pressures, tight deadlines, social networking are just some of the reasons of lifestyle ailments like obesity, depression, … Read more