preventive health checkup packages

Diet and Nutrition

6 Tips for Diet & Nutrition for a Sedentary Lifestyle

Diet & Nutrition for a Corporate Lifestyle: What you choose to eat takes you a long way, literally! It can prevent many illnesses and extend your life span. By making a few simple adjustments, you can cut your chances of developing obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and even cancers. And the best part is that […]

8 Ways to take care of your Mental Health at Workplace

8 Ways to Take Care of Mental Health at Workplace 

Workplace Health Management: Workplace health of employees is essential for all corporate companies. So, the employer and employee should both take a few steps to care for their mental health at workplace. Stress, anxiety, and depression can slow down the progress of the company. This article suggests a few strategies that will help improve your

Customized health packages for hotels and chain restaurants

Medicals for Hotels and Chain Restaurants

Annual Health Checkup for Hotel & Restaurant Staff Healthy Employees = Hygiene Standards + Better Ratings! Trusted by: Why is it important to conduct Regular Health Checkup of staff members handling food in Hotels & Restaurants? Hotels and Restaurants are required to follow the guidelines provided by FSSAI Act 2006. These guidelines help to maintain

Medicals for corporate sector

Corporate Health Checkup

Corporate Health Checkup Healthy Employees = Better Productivity! We are trusted by Why is Corporate Health Checkup Important? Corporate health screenings helps you to balance between recruitment & attrition rate. It also helps in,  Why Choose Health Atmos for Pre-employment Drug Screening Process? We are a leading service provider for Health Checkup, and we have a proven track

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