
Improve office ergonomics

7 Steps to Improve Office Ergonomics  

Long working hours can take a toll on your back and neck and give rise to joint pains and even worse, bulging discs or spondilitis. To avoid such a situation, it is important to pay attention to how you set up your desk space. The goal of office ergonomics is to design your office work […]

Balanced diet at workplace

6 Tips for a Healthy & Balanced Diet at Workplace 

We often choose our food based on taste, availability and cost. What we choose to eat is not necessarily what our bodies require. A diet deficient in nutrients can lead to health and weight problems. Therefore, we need to be aware of nutrition and how crucial a balanced diet is for the improvement of our

is sitting the new smoking

Is Sitting “the New Smoking”?

Is sitting on a chair really bad for you? There is a recent decipherment that indicate, “Sitting is the new smoking” But is this really true?  Research reveals that you can reduce your chances of cancer, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and back pain, all with one simple lifestyle change: reduce the time you spend

how to reduce stress and improve productivity

6 Ways to Reduce Presenteeism at your Workplace

How to Reduce Presenteeism at your Workplace? Presenteeism involves employees coming to work while being sick or being present at the workplace because of job insecurity. Presenteeism is a rising issue in the workplace, and also a huge threat to productivity. Employees that show up to work when they’re not feeling mentally or physically their

5 Tips to Increase Performance at Workplace

5 Tips to Increase Performance at Workplace 

How to Increase Performance at workplace? The secret to optimizing productivity and boosting performance at workplace is to have a motivated team. One way to encourage employees is to commend them when they have done a good job or received a good comment from clients/customers. Instead of saying “Good Job” you can specifically commend them

Employee Health Screening for Corporates

Employee Health Screening for Corporates

What is Employee Health Screening?   Employee health screening consists of performing various health checks to ensure that each employee is healthy enough to enter your workplace. This is a key to protecting the safety of all, including visitors, and limiting the transmission of illnesses in the office.    Regular checkpoint screenings can create a Covid-friendly, safe

8 Ways to take care of your Mental Health at Workplace

8 Ways to Take Care of Mental Health at Workplace 

Workplace Health Management: Workplace health of employees is essential for all corporate companies. So, the employer and employee should both take a few steps to care for their mental health at workplace. Stress, anxiety, and depression can slow down the progress of the company. This article suggests a few strategies that will help improve your

8 Ways to take care of your Mental Health at Workplace

10 Tips to Prevent Low Back Pain at Workplace 

How to Prevent Low Back Pain at the Workplace? Heavy lifting, repetitive movements and sitting for long hours at your desk will take a toll on your back. Back pain makes it difficult to concentrate on your job. This article will give you tips that can prevent low back pain at the workplace.   1. Maintain

workplace stress

9 Simple Ways to Deal with Workplace Stress 

How to deal with Workplace Stress? Today’s economy is highly competitive and almost everyone has felt the pressure of workplace stress. Infact, any job will have stressful elements, even if you love your work. Some of the causes of work stress are:  heavy workloads  demanding management  lack of work-life balance   health concerns or other issues  

Business travel

Managing Business Travel during COVID-19 pandemic

How to Manage Business Travel during Covid-19? Multiple countries throughout the world have implemented strict lockdown to reduce the impact of COVID-19, during such times businesses have found innovative ways to connect with customers and associates. However, business travel leads to economic growth. As employees start to travel more frequently for business reasons, they have

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