international travel

Travel Restrictions Following the Omicron Variant Outbreak

Travel Restrictions following the Omicron variant outbreak

How has Omicron variant outbreak affected Travel around the world? Travel restrictions have been put in place since the new variant of SARS-CoV-2, B.1.1.529 has been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on November 11, 2021 in Botswana and on November 14, 2021 in South Africa, the World Health Organization named the B.1.1.529 Omicron […]

PCR test at Mumbai Airport

Pre-book Rapid PCR Test at Mumbai International Airport

Prebook Rapid PCR Test at Mumbai Airport to skip a Long Waiting Line before your flight to Dubai Yes, this is possible if you pre-book with Health Atmos!  PRE-BOOK YOUR RAPID PCR TEST AT MUMBAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Time for Test Result: within 30 minutes Required for: International Travel to UAE and Gulf countries Book Now

Travel Restrictions Imposed due to omicron

69 Countries and Territories Impose Travel Restrictions

Travel Restrictions: Travel restrictions are imposed on 69 countries and territories in response to the spreading Omicron variant, according to analysis and data compiled by CNN. Here’s the list: Angola Argentina Australia Austria* Bahrain Belgium* Brazil Bulgaria* Canada Chile Colombia Croatia* Cuba The Czech Republic* Denmark* Egypt Estonia* Fiji Finland* France* Germany* Greece* Guatemala Hong

About IATA Travel Pass

4 things to know about IATA Travel Pass

Travel: “Can you think of a travel pass that gives you a record of all the countries you have travelled to in the past?” Health Atmos is proud to be in association with IATA Travel Pass for servicing PCR tests for travellers globally!  What is IATA Travel Pass?  As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread

RT-PCR test for travel

A Valid Negative RT-PCR Report as Important as your Passport!

Pre-departure RT-PCR test for International Travel Due to unexpected events some flights are cancelled, rescheduled and delayed in your initial scheduled flights or connecting flights. This can be a challenge during the Covid pandemic so this article will address some situations that a traveler may face with their RT-PCR test for travel. Does a traveller

Travel during Covid

6 countries you can Travel for a Vacation during Covid-19

Vacation Travel: Travel during Covid has become difficult because of the prolonged pandemic and its uncertainties. Therefore, travel continues to be risky and complicated in many parts of the world. Some foreign countries are now opening to travelers’, subject to certain conditions. However, those arriving will either have to provide a negative RT-PCR report or

Business travel

Managing Business Travel during COVID-19 pandemic

How to Manage Business Travel during Covid-19? Multiple countries throughout the world have implemented strict lockdown to reduce the impact of COVID-19, during such times businesses have found innovative ways to connect with customers and associates. However, business travel leads to economic growth. As employees start to travel more frequently for business reasons, they have

Medicals for corporate sector

Corporate Health Checkup

Book Health Checkup for your Employees Now! Healthy Employees = Better Productivity! Trusted by: Why is Employee Health Checkup So Important? Health screenings help you to balance between recruitment & attrition rate. It also helps in,  What type of Corporate Wellness Programs do we provide?  Health Checkup done in just 3 easy steps: Why should

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