
Articles on vacation tips, safe travel and information on travel pass and regulations, travel passports

About Dubai International Airport

9 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Dubai International Airport

Dubai International Airport: Dubai International Airport is an Aviation Hub in the whole world. There are some unique features about Dubai Airport that prove that this international airport is more than just a travel hub with shopping and leisure options. 1. Dubai Airport is more than 60 years old! The most interesting fact of Dubai […]

Travel Restrictions Imposed due to omicron

69 Countries and Territories Impose Travel Restrictions

Travel Restrictions: Travel restrictions are imposed on 69 countries and territories in response to the spreading Omicron variant, according to analysis and data compiled by CNN. Here’s the list: Angola Argentina Australia Austria* Bahrain Belgium* Brazil Bulgaria* Canada Chile Colombia Croatia* Cuba The Czech Republic* Denmark* Egypt Estonia* Fiji Finland* France* Germany* Greece* Guatemala Hong

About IATA Travel Pass

4 things to know about IATA Travel Pass

Travel: “Can you think of a travel pass that gives you a record of all the countries you have travelled to in the past?” Health Atmos is proud to be in association with IATA Travel Pass for servicing PCR tests for travellers globally!  What is IATA Travel Pass?  As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread

5 things about expo 2020 Dubai

5 Things About Expo 2020 Dubai

About Dubai Expo 2020:  After a delay of 1 year due to COVID-19, the Dubai Expo 2020 is finally here and tourists and businessmen from all over the world gather here to see the various exhibits presented by different countries. Though the Expo is a big event a lot of people are unaware of what

Vaccine Passports In the USA

Vaccine Passports In the USA: All That You Need to Know

Covid Vaccine passports in the U.S. The Federal Government in the USA is unwilling to take the step of creating a universal digital health pass or app. Twenty-two states have banned vaccine passports in the USA. This means that Americans will need several digital passes, like so many credit cards in a wallet. Some digital passes are

Safety tips while staying in a Hotel

10 Important Safety Tips While Staying in a Hotel

Safety Tips While Staying in a Hotel: As the covid pandemic restrictions are being lifted, businesses are beginning to reopen and many of us are longing to go on vacations and business trips. Since the COVID-19 pandemic seems unending, we all have to adapt to the new circumstances. We cannot lower the risk to zero,

Travel during Covid

6 countries you can Travel for a Vacation during Covid-19

Vacation Travel: Travel during Covid has become difficult because of the prolonged pandemic and its uncertainties. Therefore, travel continues to be risky and complicated in many parts of the world. Some foreign countries are now opening to travelers’, subject to certain conditions. However, those arriving will either have to provide a negative RT-PCR report or

EU Digital COVID Certificate

What is an EU Digital COVID Certificate?

What is the EU Digital COVID Certificate? The EU Digital COVID Certificate Regulation was started on 01 July 2021. EU citizens and residents can now have their Digital COVID Certificates issued and verified across the EU. “When travelling, every Digital Green Certificate holder can have the same rights as citizens of the visited Member State

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