section 80d preventive health checkup

Work-related stress disorder

Work-related Stress Disorder

Workplace Stress: All employees can relate to stress in the workplace, be it employed or an entrepreneur. Work Related Stress Disorder (WRSD) occurs when increased work demands and pressures cannot be accomplished and starts affecting an employee physically, mentally and emotionally.   What are the main work-related stressors?  The following issues have been identified as potential […]

5 Tips to Increase Performance at Workplace

5 Tips to Increase Performance at Workplace 

How to Increase Performance at workplace? The secret to optimizing productivity and boosting performance at workplace is to have a motivated team. One way to encourage employees is to commend them when they have done a good job or received a good comment from clients/customers. Instead of saying “Good Job” you can specifically commend them

Employee Health Screening for Corporates

Employee Health Screening for Corporates

What is Employee Health Screening?   Employee health screening consists of performing various health checks to ensure that each employee is healthy enough to enter your workplace. This is a key to protecting the safety of all, including visitors, and limiting the transmission of illnesses in the office.    Regular checkpoint screenings can create a Covid-friendly, safe

8 Ways to take care of your Mental Health at Workplace

8 Ways to Take Care of Mental Health at Workplace 

Workplace Health Management: Workplace health of employees is essential for all corporate companies. So, the employer and employee should both take a few steps to care for their mental health at workplace. Stress, anxiety, and depression can slow down the progress of the company. This article suggests a few strategies that will help improve your

8 Ways to take care of your Mental Health at Workplace

10 Tips to Prevent Low Back Pain at Workplace 

How to Prevent Low Back Pain at the Workplace? Heavy lifting, repetitive movements and sitting for long hours at your desk will take a toll on your back. Back pain makes it difficult to concentrate on your job. This article will give you tips that can prevent low back pain at the workplace.   1. Maintain


7 Lifestyle Disease in Working Women  

The Lifestyle Disease in Working Women: Women play multiple roles, especially working women who have to balance their professional life and personal responsibilities at home. They end up with lifestyle disease because they neglect their own health. Travel, work pressures, tight deadlines, social networking are just some of the reasons of lifestyle ailments like obesity, depression,

Safe workplace post pandemic

7 Tips to ensure a Safe Workplace Post-Pandemic 

How to Ensure a Safe Workplace Post-Pandemic? The Covid-19 pandemic has created a number of new challenges, especially for employers. Many corporates are shifting back to office space after a long period of work-from-home. While managers may feel a sense of urgency to get their work back to normal, there are new guidelines and practices

Medicals for factory workers

Health Packages for Factory workers

Health Packages for Factory workers Get customized Health Checkup packages that suits your organization’s needs and ensure that your workers are fit healthy for the job. Why is Health Check-up for Factory and Industrial Workers Necessary?     As per the Factory Act 1948, it is compulsory to conduct an Annual Health Check-up for contract and

Customized health packages for hotels and chain restaurants

Medicals for Hotels and Chain Restaurants

Annual Health Checkup for Hotel & Restaurant Staff Healthy Employees = Hygiene Standards + Better Ratings! Trusted by: Why is it important to conduct Regular Health Checkup of staff members handling food in Hotels & Restaurants? Hotels and Restaurants are required to follow the guidelines provided by FSSAI Act 2006. These guidelines help to maintain

Medicals for corporate sector

Corporate Health Checkup

Corporate Health Checkup Healthy Employees = Better Productivity! Trusted by: Why is Corporate Health Checkup Important? Corporate health screenings helps you to balance between recruitment & attrition rate. It also helps in,  What are the different types of Corporate Wellness Programs?  Health Checkup done in just 3 easy steps: Why should you choose Health Atmos

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