preventive health check up packages

Health & Lifestyle

Joint Health Indicator 

A joint health indicator typically refers to a measure or set of measures used to assess the condition and function of joints in the body. Here are some common indicators of joint health: 1. Pain Levels: Pain is often the primary indicator of joint health. Persistent or chronic pain in joints can signal underlying issues such […]

Balanced diet at workplace

6 Tips for a Healthy & Balanced Diet at Workplace 

We often choose our food based on taste, availability and cost. What we choose to eat is not necessarily what our bodies require. A diet deficient in nutrients can lead to health and weight problems. Therefore, we need to be aware of nutrition and how crucial a balanced diet is for the improvement of our

Diet and Nutrition

6 Tips for Diet & Nutrition for a Sedentary Lifestyle

Diet & Nutrition for a Corporate Lifestyle: What you choose to eat takes you a long way, literally! It can prevent many illnesses and extend your life span. By making a few simple adjustments, you can cut your chances of developing obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and even cancers. And the best part is that

The Immune System and Immunity Testing
Health & Lifestyle

The Immune System and Immunity Testing

Immune System: The immune system is designed to recognize foreign invaders in our body. It is like a defense system and that is the reason we cough and sneeze when foreign substances enter our body. This system is an automated mechanisms in your body that help keep you alive and healthy. It protects our body

Work-related stress disorder

Work-related Stress Disorder

Workplace Stress: All employees can relate to stress in the workplace, be it employed or an entrepreneur. Work Related Stress Disorder (WRSD) occurs when increased work demands and pressures cannot be accomplished and starts affecting an employee physically, mentally and emotionally.   What are the main work-related stressors?  The following issues have been identified as potential

Employee Health Screening for Corporates

Employee Health Screening for Corporates

What is Employee Health Screening?   Employee health screening consists of performing various health checks to ensure that each employee is healthy enough to enter your workplace. This is a key to protecting the safety of all, including visitors, and limiting the transmission of illnesses in the office.    Regular checkpoint screenings can create a Covid-friendly, safe

8 Ways to take care of your Mental Health at Workplace

8 Ways to Take Care of Mental Health at Workplace 

Workplace Health Management: Workplace health of employees is essential for all corporate companies. So, the employer and employee should both take a few steps to care for their mental health at workplace. Stress, anxiety, and depression can slow down the progress of the company. This article suggests a few strategies that will help improve your

8 Ways to take care of your Mental Health at Workplace

10 Tips to Prevent Low Back Pain at Workplace 

How to Prevent Low Back Pain at the Workplace? Heavy lifting, repetitive movements and sitting for long hours at your desk will take a toll on your back. Back pain makes it difficult to concentrate on your job. This article will give you tips that can prevent low back pain at the workplace.   1. Maintain

Medicals for factory workers

Health Packages for Factory workers

Health Packages for Factory workers Get customized Health Checkup packages that suits your organization’s needs and ensure that your workers are fit healthy for the job. Why is Health Check-up for Factory and Industrial Workers Necessary?     As per the Factory Act 1948, it is compulsory to conduct an Annual Health Check-up for contract and

Medicals for Maritime Shipping Industry

Maritime Medicals for Shipping Crew

Maritime Medicals for Shipping Crew Conduct Health Checkups of crew members to ensure that they are fit for travel. Medicals for Maritime Shipping Industry Today, 90% of world trade is carried by ship which means the goods and fuels are transported around the world by seafarers. There are over 1.6 million seafarers worldwide. Seafarer is

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