The Lifestyle Disease in Working Women:
Women play multiple roles, especially working women who have to balance their professional life and personal responsibilities at home. They end up with lifestyle disease because they neglect their own health. Travel, work pressures, tight deadlines, social networking are just some of the reasons of lifestyle ailments like obesity, depression, diabetes, polycystic ovarian diseases, blood pressure among women.
- The complications of excessive alcohol intake in women includes heart disease and breast cancer.
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The Underlying Cause for the Lifestyle Disease in Women:
Today most women give more importance to their careers rather than their own health. Work pressures lead them to eat more junk food which leads to obesity and other health related issues. Lack of time makes them get less or poor-quality sleep. A busy lifestyle results in lack of exercise and poor nutrition which results in iron and calcium deficiency. Irritability and mental depression are common which in turn badly affect the hormones that play a vital role in a woman’s body. Hormonal disturbances are increased with stress and result in ovulation, polycystic ovarian diseases and thyroid issues.
Lifestyle disease in women depends on the kind of sector they are working in. Women in the Media sector, BPO’s, touring jobs are more prone to lifestyle disease because these sectors demand more time and pressure-driven. One of the main reasons for a stressful life is the reduced nutritional level which affects the immune system. One’s lifestyle governs one’s health, so keeping one’s health in mind is difficult, but is certainly not an impossible task. Let’s try to address few Lifestyle diseases in women.
Obesity is also known to affect the mind, and cause symptoms like depression and insomnia. Women in the IT sector spend 10-12 hours sitting at their work-stations in a controlled environment which results in weight gain. Struggling with weight management, a working woman may suffer from psychological problems (e.g., anorexia) which not only affects her eating habits but could eventually lead to depression.
2.Depression/General Anxiety Disorder:
The main cause of this problem is associated with long working hours and strict deadlines. Factors such as lack of exercise or nutrition, poor sleep, addiction to alcohol, and drug abuse also contribute to depression.
3.Chronic Backache:
Long hours of static posture without appropriate support to the back leads to lower back pain which is the most common chronic disease at work. Besides, excessive and sudden weight gain by the sedentary lifestyle makes your back all the more vulnerable to it.
These sedentary lifestyle changes are the cause of the increasing infertility rates. Infertility is a result of stress and obesity caused by the long working hours with odd shift timings, lack of physical exercise, and changes in eating habits along with conditions like diabetes.
This is most commonly noticed disorder in young reproductive aged women. It is a hormonal disorder leading to obesity, menstrual irregularities, and infertility.
Lack of job control and obesity is associated with an increased risk of diabetes among women. Consuming more calories, sweet beverages and fast food, and spending far too much time sitting is one of the causes of Type 2 diabetes. Women’s who experience gestational diabetes during pregnancy are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes at a later point. This means that it is crucial to be screened more often after delivery.
7.Heart Problems:
Work-related stress may be a risk factor for heart problems including cardiovascular disease (CVD).
How can you reduce your risk?
Create a healthier future for yourself with the following recommendations:
- Keep your blood pressure in check.
- Control your cholesterol.
- Reduce your blood sugar.
- Increase your daily physical activity.
- Stay within a healthy weight.
- Quit smoking.
- Eat a healthy diet: Avoid Skipping meals and intake proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates and fibre.
- Exercising regularly: women should do a mix of cardio or weight bearing exercise, yoga or aerobics at least three to five times a week to prevent lifestyle diseases.
- Get proper sleep: adequate sleep is a must for at least 8 hrs a day. Lack of sleep is a risk for psychological problems and heart disease.
In conclusion, we can say that risk factors of lifestyle diseases such as unhealthy food habits, physical inactivity, inappropriate body posture and disturbed biological clock should be avoided. You have to realize the importance of a healthy body and avoid all the risk factors that contribute to lifestyle diseases. Hence, women’s safety and health issues at work must be addressed and diagnosed at an early stage. It is also necessary that women are aware about the health problems & take preventive health checkups to identify the future potential health risk factors.
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