body check up

Medicals for factory workers

Health Packages for Factory workers

What is Occupational Health Checkup for Factory Workers?   Health packages for factory workers are designed for manufacturing sectors that produce different products. All manufacturing factories have machinery & objects that are harmful to individuals when exposed for a longer period of time. Therefore, it is important to screen all workers for occupational health hazards at […]

Customized health packages for hotels and chain restaurants

Medicals for Hotels and Chain Restaurants

Customized Health Packages for Hotels and Chain Restaurants A food handler is a person involved in food production, food processing, food packaging, and serving food including water and beverages. The term “food handler” can apply to chefs, stewards/waiters, cleaners and food quality supervisors. Therefore, food handlers are required to receive food safety training & proper

Medicals for corporate sector

Corporate Health Checkup

Why is Corporate Health Checkup Important? A company’s productivity rests on the employees’ performance. Therefore, the organization must take care of its employees’ health and wellness. In a highly competitive world, employees go through a hectic work schedule with monthly targets and deadlines and long working hours. This kind of work culture often turns unhealthy


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Health & Lifestyle

How can you enjoy your life with diabetes?

Step 1: Learn about diabetes. What is Diabetes? There are three main types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes – Your body does not produce insulin which is a problem since you need insulin to take the sugar (glucose) from the foods you eat and turn it into energy. You have to take insulin every day

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