How can Employers help to Reduce Stress in the Workplace?
Stressed workers are more likely to smoke, drink excessive alcohol, eat poorly, have relationship issues, and get sick more often. This means decreased productivity, but employers can help to reduce stress in the workplace.
1. Employees need to understand the company’s vision
When employees understand the company’s vision, they can see how their efforts fit in the big picture. It becomes easier for them to focus on helping to achieve the company’s goals.
Try This: Consistently share the company’s vision with employees. Employers can try to make it easy and fun to remember.
2. Employees need to understand how their roles contribute to company success
When employees understand how their role fits in with the company goals, they will be more likely to engage and contribute. They will also develop a sense of control over their duties, which can help manage stress levels.
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Try This: Make sure that employees know the company’s goals and how to identify ways to contribute company goals to individual roles.
3. Do not micro-manage the assignments
When employers have control over every aspect of their employees’ work it causes employees to feel powerless. This is a major source of stress. Employees need some control over their work responsibilities and alter their tasks as required.
Try This: Give your employees the chance to adjust their assignments as required. Allow them to make decisions related to their productivity at work and give them a measure of control over their work responsibility.
4. Employees need to communicate with managers and co-workers
When employees are able to communicate with co-workers, it will alleviate much of their stress. Just knowing that the lines of communication are open between an employee and their manager can help tremendously. Sometimes employees only need a listening ear and some positive encouragement. Just fifteen minutes of talking to a sympathetic co-worker can make a big difference and reduce stress in the workplace.
Try This: Schedule regular meetings with employees to discuss problems, workloads, concerns, and adjustments required. Allow them the time to communicate. Be a good listener when your employees want to talk to you.
5. There should be a spirit of cooperation and respect at work
A hostile work environment will contribute to stress and poor health. Co-operation and support are important for the well-being of your employees and the progress of your organization.
Try This: Be an example of what you want your employees to follow. Respect their time and efforts and this will create unity in the workplace and builds trust. You set the tone. If employees feel that they have the support of others, they will be more likely to learn from your example.
6. Employees need support in a team atmosphere to manage stress better
Talk to employees about their work environment. Allow them to voice concerns or frustrations about aspects that are harmful or irritating. Treat their concerns with respect and attention, doing what you can to make them feel comfortable in their workspace.
Try This: Make appropriate changes or suggest ways to deal with such disturbances.
7. Schedule weekly meetings
If you schedule weekly meetings with your team then you can share ideas, updates and feedback. You will be giving your employees a chance to speak up and be heard, which can benefit employee wellbeing. Employees need regular performance reviews because they need to know if they are meeting your expectations or need to improve. Involving them in the process and letting them set their own improvement goals will improve relationships and increase job satisfaction.
Try This: Ask for employee suggestions and share them at team meetings. This will increase the performance of the employees and reduce stress.
8. Commend your Employees
Recognize and reward employees appropriately whenever they perform well. If there is an organized system for recognition, then employees will see that their efforts are noticed.
Try This: Instead of just announcing “Employee of the month”, you can mention “Idea of the month” based on what efforts were made on their side. By doing so your employees will focus on what was done and not on who has done it. After all, we do not want to stir a competitive spirit in the workplace but we want other employees to be encouraged to do their best at work.
9.Work shifts need to be reasonable
You hired your employees because you had confidence in their ability. So be reasonable and limit work shifts to 10 hours or less and make sure employees have adequate time to rest before their next shift. This will improve productivity and reduce the risk of work injuries.
Try This: Allow your employees to work remotely, and give flexibility for beginning and ending their assignments.
10.Practice open communication with your employees.
If employees are kept up-to-date regarding changes, expectations and their own performance it will help them to be on track and reduce stress. Employees and managers can help reduce workplace stress with open communication. If a manager has created an open-door policy and a sense of trust, employees may feel comfortable sharing their concerns, ideas and thoughts. Sharing your concerns may help employees manage stress better.
Try This: Communicate regularly by email, calls, chats, etc. This builds a relationship of trust. In any form of communication, make the message simple, clear, and relevant.
11.Effectively Resolve Workplace Conflicts
Resolving workplace conflict will reduce employee stress, absenteeism and future conflict and encourage a productive workplace.
Try This: Ensure employees are corrected in a private setting.
12.Create Social Activity
Employees spend a lot of time with their colleagues so it is important for them to get along. When employees enjoy their time at work, the working atmosphere will be better and it leads to increased productivity.
Try This: Organize team lunches or social events, team days away. Make it fun. Social activity is good for reducing stress and building team unity.
To better understand your employees and how you can tailor your work environment to reduce employee stress, talk to us today to learn more about the Employee Assessment solutions we offer.
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