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Proudly serving McDonald’s India!
Ensuring India's favourite Food Franchise is Fit to Serve!
We are so proud that we get to serve World’s leading Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) restaurant chain, Mc Donalds across Western & South India, as their Corporate Health Partners on behalf of Hardcastle Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. (HRPL) for their 6000 staff across 324 outlets.

Project Outline
As India’s best employers, McDonald’s definitely care for their employee’s health as per FSSAI guidelines apart from world-class training, flexible hours and rewarding achievements. We ensure bi-annual health checkups for all their 307 outlets spread across West & South India, covering approx 6000 staff members.
Service glitches tackled!
The operations team was struggling to standardize health checks across outlets spread through the country. Each location had its separate sets of challenges with employees not turning up or non-cooperative labs and no flexible camp dates. Even the reports were not standard or compliant as per FSSAI. Here are some service issues we successfully tackled:
Multiple locations
The client wanted to organize multiple camps at multiple locations on a single day.
Solution: Due to our geographical reach and tie-ups with Pan-India labs, we were able to conduct multiple camps without any service issues. We have conducted upto 8 camps on a single day at 8 different locations.
Rural Outlets
The client had to depend on local labs for urgent tests, especially during the opening of a new store. Conducting urgent camps in itself is a challenge, however, it gets more complicated in a rural location. The employees were expected to go and give samples at the lab themselves and it put undue pressure due to the pre-opening busy schedules.
Solution: We made sure these camps were conducted during working hours so that less time is wasted for the staff and it was personalized service as per need. We have conducted medical camps at Limbdi, which is a very small and remote Taluka in Gujarat and the nearest town is Rajkot; Belakere, Kolar, and Tumkur which are remote villages in various districts in Karnataka.
Test supplies
The client was not given any test supplies like containers for samples for employees beforehand. Instead, the employees were expected to buy it themselves.
Solution: For all the camps arranged, we made sure the containers reached the employees at the outlet at least a day in advance of the scheduled camp.
The employees who were absent on the day of the camp were not given any alternate date for tests.
Solution: We reconducted camps for employees who were not able to give samples on a given day and did not put undue pressure on asking employees to walk into labs which affect their work time.
With our Pan India network of NABL accredited labs in 200+ cities across India and empanelled doctors we were able to provide location-specific health checks in a more flexible and structured way.
We have developed a customizable CRM tailor-made for QSR and Food sector. Our in-built CRM is capable of storing data, scheduling tests, payment gateway and report access. The CRM is used in all the outlets and each outlet has a unique login id. The manager schedules an appointment for check-ups for their employees and either a person arrives at their place or they are asked to visit the lab. All employees are taken care of, all except Ronald!
Central system
Each centre was provided a dedicated Web login panel through which the Outlet managers could plan their staff medical check-ups and also keep track of Health Management of their store. It also helps to analyse data of any particular outlet across India. This makes it easier to centrally manage multiple outlets and ensures better employee fitness certificate compliances!
We focused on core service glitches and aimed to provide a solution for each. Our strength lies in our vast network and a capable team to manage these camps so that the operations team can seamlessly track and manage staff health at a click of a button. Get in touch to register your company!