Diagnostics & Pathology Services
Health Atmos is a Health Management Organisation with presence in 200+ cities & towns across North, South, East & West India and global presence in 25+ countries including US, UK, Germany, Mexico, Egypt, Italy, Spain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, RSA, Bahrain, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Maldives, Turkey, Portugal and growing. Backed by a strong team of entrepreneurs from medical, management & IT, we have an experienced team handling operations, strategy and vast vendor network. Health Atmos through its affiliate’s have Pan India presence to provide required diagnostic and pathology services in every big and small cities of India. You can choose to undertake any test and we will provide you service in your city.
Health Atmos has devised packages that is most affordable but at the same time it gives you indication of your health status. advise specialized packages only if you have symptoms or history of a specific disease or ailment. Health Atmos want to ensure affordable and quick service to you so that health need not bother you. We have also devised packages for elderly and kids so that entire family can be aware of their health status and take all necessary action. Because in a family, even of 1 member is sick then we all feel the pain and inconvenience caused.
All your health reports are stored digitally and can be accessed anytime you want it. Say you are in a doctor’s consultation and forgot hard-copy file. You need not worry. You can log into Health Atmos and get all your reports in 1 place.
DNA mapping study
DNA study is the most advanced thrilling development in field of medicine. It helps in knowing your biological make-up, diseases that you are carrying and diseases that you are susceptible. We provide you DNA study service which includes pre and post counselling. We believe being aware of your strengths and weakness will help you in avoiding and delaying diseases and help you in planning better management of your lifestyle.
Our DNA study includes: DNA Study
Online Medical Consultation
In the era of modern medicine access is specialized doctor is basic. But how easy is your access to specialized care? Do you need to spent entire day, travel and exert for a specialist consultation?
Health Atmos has taken travel out of your health journey. You can access India’s top specialist sitting at your home. You can even avail pathology services in the comfort of your house. If you need further evaluation like CT scans or xray or stress test then we help you get it at a standardized hospital or diagnostic centre at best cost. Imaging getting best specialist of India all at press of a button.
Mental Health Consultation
Mental Health is equally important as physical health. We all go through low phase in life which teaches us strengthens us and prepares us for life. But at time we feel we are not in control of our thoughts or feelings. Clinical mental health problems does not discriminate and anyone can suffer from it. Its not your fault. Its just our neurological make-up messing with our brain. Health Atmos gives special importance to our patrons who need help and support. We are here to facilitate consultation with best psychiatrist (we call them mind doctors) of India. Online video or call consultations are now just a click away. Please don’t hesitate to make most of it. And always remember. Its not you that is the problem. Let the experts help you solve the problem.